Python Program To Multiply 3 Numbers

Python program to multiply 3 numbers is provided on this page.

Python Program To Multiply 3 Numbers

Program 1

We simply store three numbers in three variables and use * multiplication operator to calculate the product of three numbers.

Integers are stored in example below but you can store floats as well.

# Python program to multiply three number

# take inputs
first_number = 10
second_number = 20
third_number = 30

# calculate product
product = first_number * second_number * third_number

# print multiplication value
print("The Product of Number:", product)

Program 2

This program is same as before only difference is we are accepting the number from user instead of directly specifying them.

# Python program to multiply three number

# take inputs
first_number = input("Enter first number : ")
second_number = input("Enter second number : ")
third_number = input("Enter third number : ")

# calculate product
multiplication = first_number * second_number * third_number

# print multiplication value
print("The Product of Number:", multiplication)

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